Office of Student Accounts

Course Refunds and Withdrawal Rates

Drop/Add Period and Withdrawal Rates

Drop/Add Rates

Non-Payment Withdrawal Rates

Course Withdrawal (Tuition and Fees) Rates

Housing Changes/Cancellation/Withdrawal Rates

Once enrolled in a semester, 学生可以对他们的课程安排和/或住房计划进行某些更改. 已注册的学生如决定不参加课程,有责任取消注册或按照 Withdrawal and Drop Policy. 不出席不构成正式退学或退学.

Dropping a course (often times referred to as course withdrawal) refers to dropping from an individual course. 一个学生在一门课程被取消后仍然可以入学. 退学是指学生退出所有课程,并且该学期不再注册.

以下部分将有助于解释您可能正在寻求的适当行动的比率. 如果您在进行任何更改或撤回之前对费率金额有任何疑问, please contact Office of Student Accounts at 205-665-6065.


Course Refund Withdrawal Rate schedule

Housing/Changes Refund Withdrawal Rate schedule

Drop/Add Rates

Drop/Add deadlines are published in the University Calendar. 发起删除/添加程序是学生的责任. 学生可以在注册后或在退加截止日期之前退加课程. 在规定的截止日期或之前退课但仍然注册的学生将获得该课程学费和费用的100%退款. Students who drop a class the day after 截止日期,但仍然注册,需要支付该课程100%的学杂费(不退款)。.

Non-Payment Withdrawal Rates

已注册课程的学生决定不上课,有责任在相关学期第一天之前取消课程. 不出席不构成取消或撤回,因为你可能仍然欠余额取决于你的学生帐户. 如果任何学生在学期的第一天没有支付他/她的学生帐户,我们将通过电子邮件与您联系, text, 和/或电话在退课前的未付款期间. 如果您因未付款而被退学,您将被视为未付款退出. 你的学费将部分退还,不退还任何费用.

Note: 如果你注册了一个以上的夏季学期,并且你在注册的第一个夏季学期因未付款而被退学, you may be withdrawn from all other summer terms enrolled.

Course Withdrawal (Tuition and Fees) Rates

有意在退课截止日期前退课的学生必须向教务处提交由学生援助办公室签署的退课表. 接受经济援助的学生应该咨询学生援助办公室,以确定撤回可能对他们的经济援助产生的影响. 住校学生应将退学意向通知住宿生活办公室,并在退学后24小时内办理退校手续. 完成这些手续将导致正式退出该大学的学期, and a grade of “W” is recorded for each course. Please review the Withdrawal and Drop Policy 如果你正在考虑从大学退学,请进一步申请.

如果您在取款前对您的学生账户余额有任何疑问,请联系学生账户办公室, 因为你可能要承担部分或全部的学费和费用,这取决于你何时退学.

Students who officially withdraw during the fall, spring, 而夏季学期将根据评估的学费和学杂费进行调整 Course Refund Withdrawal Rate Schedule.

Note: 澳门在线赌城娱乐的取消和退学率是基于日历天/周.

Housing Changes/Cancellation/Withdrawal Rates

住房和食物的变化和提取计算是基于变化的日期或从住房和居住生活检查. 如果您想对住房和/或住房膳食计划进行任何住房更改,或者您不再有兴趣住在校园里, you must contact the Housing Office at 205-665-6235. Please refer to the Residence Hall Handbook for housing cancellation/withdrawal policy.

住房和食品将按比例调整,以一周为单位. A partial week will be counted as one full week. Any housing and/or housing meal plan changes, cancellations, 或提款将根据情况进行评估和调整 Housing/Changes Withdrawal Rate Schedule.